#DearBangkok: An epilog.

Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home.

I never imagine before in my life that someday I will work outside my lovely country, Indonesia. I’ve lived there for 30 years, in several provinces to be exact, from Aceh in the northern of Sumatra to a small beautiful island off the northeastern coast of Borneo. I still remember the scent of the ocean wind, the sound of Azan, and every detail about all the cities that I’ve lived in. Still, I feel like I will forever stay in Indonesia.

I was working for one of the most desired companies in town, with a great boss and nice colleagues. There was nothing to complain about. Out of the blue, I saw this vacancy, on Twitter timeline, for Social Media Manager in Bangkok, Thailand, at a global agency and serving for a big automotive company. Honestly, I always wanted to work in social media for a while back then. Then I got the offer and was interviewed in Jakarta but I didn’t feel it was the right decision. Because for this one, I know, it was going to be a big challenge and decision.

There is no such thing as second chance for me. I decided to try and yes, I was accepted and was required to move to Bangkok in a month! Actually, it was not a nice surprise for my colleagues, family, and friends. But that was the time for me to leave my comfort zone and try something new in my life. Everything was foreign. The place, the sounds, the language, the food, the friends, almost everything about it was… unfamiliar.

So, how did Bangkok treat me? I would say that this was an amazing journey! I will never regret to something that made me smile. I met with great bosses and colleagues at my new office, because it was nice to work with them who knows the secret to being good boss & colleagues… being a good person. We shared laughter, happiness, sadness… everything.

I never imagined before that I could get along with them. I have never lived abroad for years, unlike most of my colleagues. But you know, it was like love at first sight. As time went on, we got closer and shared every hour together, from waking up to falling asleep. We are a family. It has been a pleasure working with them in the past year.

Friendship is not about whom you have known the longest… It is about whom came, and never left your side…

It was not easy to make the decision to quit from this fun and cool job, leaving my ‘other family’ in Bangkok, chance to live in a dream city like Bangkok. Many of my friends said that I was crazy when I told them I would go back to Jakarta. But this was my choice, even when I had to reject an offer to work in other country. Because I believe, nothing can beat my experience here. I learnt a lot and I met new people that I could just be myself and kept my feet on the ground. It was a life changing experience. I feel I am ready to face another challenge back home.

So here I am, I have packed all my things and ready to go. I believe, some people come into our lives and leave footprints in our hearts and we will never ever be the same. I know, I will never be the same again because I left some of my memories here… on the streets, at the stations, in the raindrops, and every step that I took in this city. Bangkok, you never fail me. Thank you for the journey, the good, and even the bad.

 To get through the hardest journey, we need take only one step at a time, but we must keep on stepping.


I would like to say thank you to every one who took care of me while in Bangkok and left footprints in my heart.

Thank you Mas Mulyadi (& Mbak Vei) and Medy, my Indonesian family at the office. Thank you for everything. I know we will always keep in touch. For sure I’m going to miss you all. A lot!

My lovely ‘keluarga di perantauan’, Hexa and Nisa, Vian and Mita, Meirza, Dodot and Dini, I am so blessed to have known and met you all. Thank you for helping me to get through my tough times. Thank you again for sharing the laugh and sadness. Until we meet again in Jakarta.

To Crystal, Lana, Charlie, and Quyen: Thank you for making my life colorful in Bangkok! I know my life (and my lunch and dinner times) will never be the same without you all! I will miss the laugh, the stories, the foods, the malls, the smiles, and everything about you all! Huge love!

To Reha, Leigh, Nida, Om, PJ, Shaun, Nuay, Sailee, Jane, Smarty, Jo, Charles, Greg, & Jericho: Thank you for all the fun, making work like a playground, and sharing everything that always makes me smile.

Thank you again and see you soon! (*)

#DearBangkok: Life is a puzzle.

“Hidup kita itu kayak dongeng, ya…,” potongan kalimat dari pembicaraan daku dengan sohib daku Hexa, disalah satu sudut mal di tengah kota Bangkok. Daku mengangguk-angguk setuju. Siapa yang pernah menyangka, kami bisa bekerja di luar negeri sebagai expat, di kota yang paling bersahabat untuk orang asing dengan lingkungan kantor yang gak ngoyo dalam bekerja. Lembur? Hampir gak pernah, karena begitulah budaya disini. Santai kayak di pantai. Belum lagi transportasi yang menyenangkan bebas macet dengan perjalanan menggunakan kereta. Plus, biaya hidup yang bisa dibilang lebih murah (dan surga belanja).

Tetapi kami sama-sama memiliki keinginan untuk pulang ke Jakarta. Hexa akan pulang dalam waktu dekat menyusul Meirza – sohib kami yang lain – yang telah back for good duluan. Apa kami gila? Gak juga, once again, life is not a matter of chance, but a matter of choice, right? Satu kalimat yang diajarkan sahabat saya Rizal, yang sekarang sudah setahun lebih dipercaya perusahaannya untuk penempatan di Amerika Serikat. Ketika pilihan-pilihan lain dalam hidup bermunculan dalam hidup, kita harus memilih. Dengan tegas.

“Kita punya Tuhan, Dim. Karena itu kita harus memilih dengan tegas dan ikhlas menjalani pilihan itu,” tambah Hexa. Sekali lagi daku mengangguk-angguk setuju. Kami yang memilih untuk bekerja disini, tapi kami juga bisa memilih untuk pulang. Memang, terkadang semua perjalanan dalam hidup, semua itu seperti puzzle misteri yang disusun satu persatu. Seperti Hexa yang sampai Bangkok ternyata untuk ‘menjemput jodoh’, bertemu dengan Nisa, sohib kami yang juga sudah pulang ke Jakarta, dan akan menikah dalam waktu dekat. Indeed, puzzle lain dalam hidupnya ditemukan. One of the biggest puzzle of his life.

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